Front Page Forums Club News Updates Snake River Preservation Group Policy Regarding Artifacts and Fossils

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  • #2896
    Libby Bickford

      Snake River Preservation Group Policy Regarding Artifacts and Fossils Found on the Property of the Snake Falls Ranch, Inc. and Snake River Preservation Group, Inc.

      It is the policy of the Board of Directors of the Snake River Preservation Group that the following items are private property that are generally to remain undisturbed:

      Artifacts, defined as items created by humans that have prehistorical or historical significance, for example items associated with Native American and Paleoindian cultures, human remains, arrowheads, spear points and stone tools; and items associated with settlement and habitation of the property since the mid-19th century; and

      Fossils, defined as prehistoric animal or plant parts or remains, to include impressions of such animals or plants located in geologic materials, for example fossilized bones, teeth, shells and petrified wood.

      As they exist upon or within the property owned by Snake River Preservation Group or the Snake Falls Ranch, Artifacts and Fossils are the property of the Snake River Preservation Group. Such items found on the ranch should remain where they are found for others to find and enjoy. If an item is found and thought to be significant, it should be left where found and the Officers of the Snake River Preservation Group Board should be notified so that they can arrange for expert investigation. Noncompliance with the above shall be considered theft and/or trespass and will be dealt with accordingly.

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