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- This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 4 years, 1 month ago by
Libby Bickford.
December 21, 2020 at 6:42 pm #921
2020 Annual Meeting Minutes
====12:45 PM lunch in progress, waiting for meeting to start
1:00 PM members visiting
1:07 PM Vince Kingston – “Welcome to the meeting – 31st year – we all look much better now!”
Correction to 2019 minutes – Stout, Lindstrom, and Bickford were up for re-election last year
Mike Adams moved to approve minutes as corrected. Deb Stucklik seconded.
Unanimous approval of 2019 meeting minutes.
Julie Kiner presented the P&L statement. The bottom line amount will include another $2800.
Just a hair more money than last year. Some of the fees collected were lower this year due to flooding.
Contracted services – Steve & Kris had partial payment in 2019 – expenses will only include Ron and Ginny next year.
Cabin 3 and 6 needed roof repairs in 2019. Quite a bit of needed repair cost there. Just a 2×4 holding things together…
All bills are paid and our vendors are very happy to be doing business with the club!
1:12 PM call for questions – Kyle Schidler asked about guest fees having been increased.
Overall guest fees collected in 2019 were down significantly – about $5K.
Cabin rent declined about $5K as well.
Bill Howes asked: what is the entertainment expense? The meal and rent for the annual meeting. Supplies.
Work weekend is handled by groceries. Greg Stuchlik moved to approve 1st, with Libby Bickford 2nd to approve.
Unanimous approval of 2019 budget report.
1:17 PM President’s report – currently we have 65 of 83 active memberships. Encourage waiting list applicants.
Vince called for discussion of cancellations – we had at least 12 cancellations in 2019.
Discussion ensued. Questions about if we could make it possible for members to cancel their own reservations.
Steve was very involved with cabin reservations. Some changes related to the handoff. 2 week notice should be the rule.
Mike Adams noted that the new website will include the ability to pay online – as of now we need to enforce the rules we have.
Any exception for Corona Virus? Early departures?
Email notifications for are not currently being sent to Vince – this will be resolved.
Rodney Schwartz requested that we provide an analysis of cabin reservations.
Kyle Schilder indicated that the new website will include a lot of self-service capability and improvements in this area.
1:32 PM – Member behavior and Ron’s feedback – discussion by Mike Adams
The breakers in the service building went off due to two pairs of boots being dried at the same time.
The service building is being used without notice and lots of mud is being deposited in the shower.
Ron isn’t being notified about camper activity consistently. Day campers are leaving trash in cabins.
Some reports of people showing up without a reservation or moving cabins without notice.
Artifacts are being dug up – everyone has picked up a piece of fossil – people have been using shovels.
The SRPG plans to develop a policy to handle these sorts of issues – if you have input please contact Mike Adams.
Cabin theft and dog poop cleanup issues. Illegal hunting. Stink bait. Every member and shareholder needs to be vigilant.
Mark J: What are we going to do about these things? Guidelines will be written up and education/enforcement to be discussed soon.
Cabin 6 will have locks installed soon if not yet. The main door has a code, but previously the inner doors couldn’t be locked.
The website homepage needs an update to highlight these 1% infractions.
Mike Evers: We only have the center until 4PM – we need to keep this meeting moving along.
Joe Fehringer noted that members are adults and need to act like it.
The Sheriff’s Department can’t do anything about trespassers if they leave upon request.
Kyle Schidler noted that we should have a record to back up any future changes to public access.
Reminder: The SRPG strictly requires no tree cutting on the river. There was un-authorized cutting in 2018, but none reported in 2019.
The DNR clears obstructions near the gaging station – that is appropriate and authorized.
Chinese elms will be removed during work weekend this year.
We missed our prime habitat last time around. Pat Stout requested that we cut and leave large logs for fish habitat.
1:48 PM New Website presentation – no demo
SRPG and SFSC areas for meeting notes. The reservation component directly addresses complaints received in recent years.
Paypal payment integration. Streamlined process and self-service cancellations. Reservation data will require guest names.
Less manual and more systematic. We’ve got it divided up – we need great, high-quality photos to include. Send your famous photos!
Integrated information available after login. Fishing maps, ATV policy, etc.
Pat needs administrators for the site: SRPG has two (Pat and Kyle), SFSC needs one or two. Content management.
New member area. Email notifications. Send pictures to (25 MB limit).
The new website should be up and visible by April 1, 2020.
1:55 PM 1888 burial site – 1901 photo demonstration – a headstone was installed in 2019 – the spot is now available for additional memorials.
Early Cherry County history – take a look by the picnic area. Fencing and monument for Mr. Potts (sp?).
1:58 PM WiFi seems to be working finally, we think. Vince has been ramping data usage up and down during the year.
2:00 PM – Fishery – It’s a little hard to catch any fish below 14″ these days…makes it hard to keep anything.
Rodney Schwartz noted that 2-year-old fish are 15″ and the amount of sediment flowing into the river continues to improve the fishery.
Catch and release with hook management continues to make a positive impact. Lots of water.
Pat: In 1948, only a handful of days with more than 400 CFS. In 2019, we had 41 days over 400 CFS – river cleaned out.
Today is the first day of Rainbow spawning. Watch where you go. There’s a brown population right in the same area.
Joe’s friend caught a 22″ brown trout two years ago. Surveys in the 80s and 90s. Club chatter.
We need a habitat restoration weekend as well – Rodney Schwartz.
The Big Sandy and the Little Sandy do need a bit of maintenance this year. Large woody debris and willows.
Call for volunteers to help with carrying out fishery improvements. Deb commended Rodney for his assistance with river access.
Rodney blushed at the applause and mentioned that his improvements might have been self-serving.
2:15 PM – Work Weekend 2020 – April 16-18 – plans being formulated on needed maintenance. Cabin review being done soon.
Rodney asked if we want to think about reserving cabins in May 2021 for next year’s work weekend a little later.
Curtis Smith, Mark Drackley, Mike Adams, and Greg Stuchlik plan to attend this year.
Libby Bickford motioned to approve re-election of existing board members. Seconded by Kyle Schidler.
Unanimous approval of board elections.
2:15 PM meeting wrapping up -
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